Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Will you join me...?

I'm reading through John at the moment and the opening chapter is a great one! I've highlighted so much and written notes and underlined...and that's just the first page! hahaha! There were a few verses that caught my attention and really challenged me!! So, on that note...here are my thoughts!

In verse 6-8 of chapter 1 it speaks about John the Baptist being a light. It says, "He (John) came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light." I'm not God! But WOW! I have a message to share because I have witnessed first hand the glory of God in my life and I am going to shine my light SO bright in our dark world so that others will see the glory and splendor of Majesty! Will you join me in shining your light?

In verses 15-18 you can hear the passion John has for Jesus and he hasn't even seen Him or walked with him yet!! But he trusts and knows that Jesus is coming! He waits patiently...and never gives up sharing! He cries out and testifies about Jesus! He says in verse 23, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord'. He knew that from start to finish he was the voice of Jesus...he had a message and a voice and a GREAT BIG GOD and he was going to be the voice of God to everyone who would listen! We all have a voice. Will you join me and be God's voice in your schools, work places, communities, social groups etc? The world needs to hear God's voice...so let's speak up!

John was always pointing people to Jesus! In verse 29 and 36 he says, "Look, the Lamb of God!" He wants people to see and experience Jesus personally! He testifies saying, "I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God." What have you seen? What have you experienced? What do you have to share with people? Will you join me in pointing people to Jesus and crying out with the passion John had when he said, "LOOK!! It's JESUS! The one who will save you and set you free!" That's what people want and need! They need a Saviour! If they don't know about it we need to point them in the right direction...towards Jesus!

I'm on this journey and it involves stepping out...constantly!! It's a scary place to be...but friends and family and church family make it so much more bearable. So, join with me...shine your light...speak up...and point people to Jesus! Let's do it together and let's see transformation happen around us as we do!

1 comment:

Lisa Johnson said...

ha ha totally didnt know u had a blog!! i do too... but i never update mine, so not much point looking at it!!!