Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gold Moment!!

I wasn't sure if I should share this because I hope to get the chance to share this is in a message one day...but then I realised there's probably not a whole lot of people who read my blog here goes!! :D

Today I was at school chatting to a kid in the playground, I'll call him Tim, and another little boy, who I'll call Sam, walks up to us - he's about 8 and he's SO cute with his little dimples - but he's also a bit of a naughty kid...haha...but he's great. So, Sam walks over and he's holding a battery in each hand. He says to Tim, 'I'm gonna show you something cool! If the batteries fall out of my hands you need to pick them up and put them back in my hands, ok?' So then he stands there and moves around and then slows down and slowly lets the batteries fall on the ground and then he froze on the spot. So, of course, Tim picks the batteries up and puts them back in his hands and Sam starts to move again and then he smiles with a bit of a 'Eh! Eh!' as if we got what the heck he was on about!! haha...I was standing there smiling and thinking 'What the?' lol...and then he says 'Get it? I'm like a robot and I need the batteries to move!! So I wasn't moving when the batteries weren't in my hands!' I had a little giggle and told him he was very clever. lol

When I walked away I couldn't stop thinking about it and I thought 'WOW!! That was actually a real piece of GOLD!!' Without the power of God in my life and in chaplaincy everything would stop!! Nothing would function the way it was meant to. Just like Sam illustrated his 'robot' not working without the power of his batteries, I would stop working effectively if I took the power of God out of what I was doing. The more I thought about it the more God opened my eyes. Not only do I need the power of God to have a functioning ministry and life, but these kids need to power of God to deal with everything they're dealing with. I've heard some pretty overwhelming and heartbreaking stories in my short time as a Chaplain and it's amazing these kids are even functioning. They desperately need the intervention of the Holy Spirit in their lives to make it all work right!!

One of the things Sam said to Tim was, '...if the batteries fall out of my hands you need to pick them up and put them back in my hands, ok?' That's my job! To make sure that I'm allowing the power of God to be moving in my life and in Chaplaincy so that I'm functioning well enough to see the power of God at work in the kids lives! So many of these kids just get through each day and are not sure how they do it. They have no energy to reach down and pick up that source of power to keep going...but I do! I need to keep that alive so that I can pick it up and put it in their hands!!

What a piece of gold!! God is SO awesome!!

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