Thursday, August 21, 2008

In prayer

Well, by now many of you will have heard about Mike Guglielmucci's sad and disappointing revelation today that his claims over the last few years of his battle with cancer were all false and he made it up. I must admit, when I first got news I was so shocked and dumbfounded I just didn't know how to respond. All I could think was 'How can this be? It's Mike G!! What's going on? What about all those people who will be affected by this?! What will this do to the church? How could he do this!!!???' And God revealed a few things to me as I worshipped Him in my car and prayed about it...because, clearly, I was a bit shaken by the news!! Here are some things that God said to me:

1. "I am God!! I am BIGGER than this! I am STRONGER!! I am SUPREME! I am UNCHANGING, UNFAILING, I AM GOD! Please remember that!! Please remember who it is you serve and worship!"

2. "This is why I keep saying 'LOOK AT ME!!' If you keep your eyes FIXED on me then no matter how bad the earthquake, you will still be standing!"

3. "I still do all those things...I still hold your every moment and calm your raging sea...I still walk with you through fire and I can and will heal all your disease as I see fit!! So please trust in me! Please keep believing that I'm your healer and that I'm all you need! Please trust and know that I'm your portion. I want to be more than enough for you! I am all you need!"

4. "Your relationship is with ME, not with a song, a singer, a's with ME!! I will NEVER let you down!"

5. "Mike is my child! I have always loved him and I will never stop loving him, just as I love you! So please...don't forget to love my child! He desperately needs it!"

How is God calling you to respond?

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