Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gold Moment!!

I wasn't sure if I should share this because I hope to get the chance to share this is in a message one day...but then I realised there's probably not a whole lot of people who read my blog here goes!! :D

Today I was at school chatting to a kid in the playground, I'll call him Tim, and another little boy, who I'll call Sam, walks up to us - he's about 8 and he's SO cute with his little dimples - but he's also a bit of a naughty kid...haha...but he's great. So, Sam walks over and he's holding a battery in each hand. He says to Tim, 'I'm gonna show you something cool! If the batteries fall out of my hands you need to pick them up and put them back in my hands, ok?' So then he stands there and moves around and then slows down and slowly lets the batteries fall on the ground and then he froze on the spot. So, of course, Tim picks the batteries up and puts them back in his hands and Sam starts to move again and then he smiles with a bit of a 'Eh! Eh!' as if we got what the heck he was on about!! haha...I was standing there smiling and thinking 'What the?' lol...and then he says 'Get it? I'm like a robot and I need the batteries to move!! So I wasn't moving when the batteries weren't in my hands!' I had a little giggle and told him he was very clever. lol

When I walked away I couldn't stop thinking about it and I thought 'WOW!! That was actually a real piece of GOLD!!' Without the power of God in my life and in chaplaincy everything would stop!! Nothing would function the way it was meant to. Just like Sam illustrated his 'robot' not working without the power of his batteries, I would stop working effectively if I took the power of God out of what I was doing. The more I thought about it the more God opened my eyes. Not only do I need the power of God to have a functioning ministry and life, but these kids need to power of God to deal with everything they're dealing with. I've heard some pretty overwhelming and heartbreaking stories in my short time as a Chaplain and it's amazing these kids are even functioning. They desperately need the intervention of the Holy Spirit in their lives to make it all work right!!

One of the things Sam said to Tim was, '...if the batteries fall out of my hands you need to pick them up and put them back in my hands, ok?' That's my job! To make sure that I'm allowing the power of God to be moving in my life and in Chaplaincy so that I'm functioning well enough to see the power of God at work in the kids lives! So many of these kids just get through each day and are not sure how they do it. They have no energy to reach down and pick up that source of power to keep going...but I do! I need to keep that alive so that I can pick it up and put it in their hands!!

What a piece of gold!! God is SO awesome!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

In prayer

Well, by now many of you will have heard about Mike Guglielmucci's sad and disappointing revelation today that his claims over the last few years of his battle with cancer were all false and he made it up. I must admit, when I first got news I was so shocked and dumbfounded I just didn't know how to respond. All I could think was 'How can this be? It's Mike G!! What's going on? What about all those people who will be affected by this?! What will this do to the church? How could he do this!!!???' And God revealed a few things to me as I worshipped Him in my car and prayed about it...because, clearly, I was a bit shaken by the news!! Here are some things that God said to me:

1. "I am God!! I am BIGGER than this! I am STRONGER!! I am SUPREME! I am UNCHANGING, UNFAILING, I AM GOD! Please remember that!! Please remember who it is you serve and worship!"

2. "This is why I keep saying 'LOOK AT ME!!' If you keep your eyes FIXED on me then no matter how bad the earthquake, you will still be standing!"

3. "I still do all those things...I still hold your every moment and calm your raging sea...I still walk with you through fire and I can and will heal all your disease as I see fit!! So please trust in me! Please keep believing that I'm your healer and that I'm all you need! Please trust and know that I'm your portion. I want to be more than enough for you! I am all you need!"

4. "Your relationship is with ME, not with a song, a singer, a's with ME!! I will NEVER let you down!"

5. "Mike is my child! I have always loved him and I will never stop loving him, just as I love you! So please...don't forget to love my child! He desperately needs it!"

How is God calling you to respond?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Great first day!!

WAHOO!! Schools back!! YAY! I had a great first day!! God is SO good and once again proved how SUPREME He is today!! Let me fill you in!

This morning I got to school and a teacher came to see me and told me that she was teaching the grade 6 and 7 kids about this Japanese Festival today and asked if she could put up some bamboo on the posts outside the Chappys room for an activity with the kids. So, of course, I said yes. I went away and came back and she was putting it up so I offered a hand. We got talking and she explained what the festival was about and what the kids would be doing (much to my horror). Basically, every year the Japanese go to this festival and present a 'wish' before their 'gods'. If they've gone to alot of effort to present their wish then it might be granted. So, that's what the kids were doing. Decorating a card as best they could and writing a 'wish' on it to hang on the bamboo leaves in the hope that the 'gods' might grant their wish!

Well, of course, I was almost jumping out of my skin!! I didn't know what to say! She went on to say 'It's really interesting the things you get back...some students will write things like "I wish my family was happy" or "I wish mum and dad didn't fight anymore"...' I was a little worried at this point thinking....what if these kids really believe their wish will be granted!! She had said that they had to really put in effort on their cards if they wanted their wish granted. SHEESH!! So, if their wish wasn't granted (which it WONT be when they're asking random Japanese gods!) then they also feel like their effort wasn't good enough!! Oh dear!!

So, what do I do??...I PRAY!! I went in my room and PRAYED!! I asked God to put a protective seal over these childrens hearts so that they wouldn't take this stuff on board. I also prayed for opportunities to see the children who made those deep wishes so I could speak life and truth into them and share about a God who COULD hear their desires and WOULD look after them. Then I sat at the picnic bench outside my room doing my work while the kids trickled down, a few at a time, to hang their wishes on the bamboo. I took the opportunity to talk to them and ask how their holidays were and what they were wishing for. There were lots of 'I wish I was a millionaire' or 'I wish I had a Playstation DS' etc...but then there were the cards that read 'I wish my dad would be nice and pay my mum child support' and 'I wish my grandpa would get better'...then I met a little girl, Suzy* (*of course, I changed her name). Suzy tells me that her wish is that her family would be happy. She said that her family are fighting alot and not really talking to each other. She said her parents always yell at her and they're not really talking right now. Then she went back to class. I felt so sad knowing she was making this wish for the 'gods' who wouldn't even hear...and she didn't know that there is an AMAZING God who DOES hear...and He listens...and He cares...and He loves her!!

Anyway...I didn't know what class she was in...and I didn't know her name or when I would see her again...our interaction was short and quick. After 2nd break I went to a random grade 6 class room to offer help and the teacher accepted. I was helping a little boy with his reading and when he finished the teacher said to me 'Oh I don't know if you've met Suzy but I've noticed she's not herself today and she mentioned that things are not good at home. Her parents are yelling at her alot and she's really upset. Would you mind talking to her?!' I couldn't believe it!! WAHOO!! Thanks God!! So I got to chat with this girl and just listen to her story and talk with her and give her some ideas of how to handle situations...and I was able to speak life and value into her. She was SO receptive and just hung onto the words!! PRAISE GOD!! prayer from this morning was answered and I was given a very clear from God moment with this beautiful little girl!! When I spoke to Josh this afternoon (my awesome fellow Chappy in the school who was at another school today) I filled him in on what happened. He, like me, was a little nervous about the bamboo thing outside our room but we decided to leave it there. The kids are all talking about it and looking at it and because it's outside our room, so they were talking to me about it today and I'm sure they'll talk to us for the rest of the week about it...and it gives us an incredible opportunity to talk to the kids about the fact that it's not real (because even the teacher said to me 'It's a bit of a Santa Clause type of story' but the kids don't know that!) but that there is a TRUE God who loves and cares for each child and their desires. So THERE enemy!! Stick that in ya pipe and smoke it!! BAM SUCKERFISH!!! Our God REIGNS and nothing you say or do can stop our God and however you try to warp these young minds we're gonna grab hold of the truth and we're gonna counteract all your crap with the GLORY AND MAJESTY OF GOD!! YYYYEEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you join with me and say AMEN!?! WOOHOO!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I'm so excited I found my old blog again!! It's's still got everything there so PLEASE go and have a read at your leisure!!

So...I'm staying at the YOS house at the moment. For those of you who don't know what the heck the YOS house is...I used to work for The Salvation Army's Youth Outreach Service (YOS) with at-risk and homeless youth. We have 3 sites, an outreach, and also 2 accomodation sites. The Youth Pastor in my church, Steve, and his lovely wife, Emma, live in one of the houses as the house mentors. But they are away at the moment at Hillsong so I have the pleasure of staying here to house sit and hang out with the client in the house (there's only 1 at the moment).

Anyway...I've sat at this desk several times this week to use the internet and noticed that above the computer screen on a cork board there are some Bible passages. I've noticed them but not read them till tonight. Some of them really caught my attention. So, here they are...with a blog to follow.

"You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book" - Psalm 56:8

"I wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him." - Psalm 62:5

"The Father sets those dates," he replied, "and they are not for you to know." - Acts 1:7

"You are my strength; I wait for you to rescue me, for you, O God, are my place of safety." - Psalm 59:9

You know, if there's one word I REALLY dislike, it's the word WAIT!! Can't stand it!! Never have, and I'd like to say here that I never will...but I have a feeling that God will drum it into me until I LOVE the word!! haha! Let me be honest and bear a little of my soul...I HATE being single!! I've been in plenty of wrong relationships and I'd rather be single forever than meet and marry the wrong person...but sheesh...I feel like I'm going to be waiting FOREVER for Mr Right!! I, like most people, don't like to wait for things!! I'm not patient!! So, God telling me to wait for the one thing I've wanted my WHOLE LIFE - a husband and kids - is a REALLY BIG ASK!! haha...

But, here's the thing...anyone who knows me knows that my dream since I could dream was to be married with 2 kids by 25...I wanted to be a young wife and mum...I'm now 25 and no man in sight!! But you know, looking back I can see so many things that have happened in my life in the past 5 years since I've been a Christian that I really had to encounter as a single I really can't complain that it hasn't happened yet...although I have my moments. The truth is that right now I feel so ready for it...I'm at that age where everyone around me seems to be getting married or having kids and I feel a little left behind! I know it's stupid because I still know plenty of single people...but it's my biggest it's hard to wait!

Anyway...this is not a whinge session...there is a point here!! I promise!!! haha...I love the passages I shared above because, once again, God is reminding me to wait!! Now, as I said, I hate that word and normally it would reduce me to tears...and that's ok...because Psalm 56:8 says that the Lord keeps track of my sorrows (and desires) and he collects my tears and records each one! Isn't that so amazing!! He bottles up my tears and records my sorrows so that he can keep track of each one!! Amazing!!

I've been reflecting of late on something that God often asks me..."Jodi, if you had a man right now, what would you be doing? What would he give you that I can't give you? Why are you waiting to meet him before you start living your life?" Big questions huh?! I know that God has huge plans for me...and I believe with all my heart that one day that will include a family of my own...and I know that I was made for connection...but I also know without a shadow of a doubt that God HAS to be enough for me!! Because I could get married and a year later lose my husband in a freak accident and would God still be enough? I could be single for 10 more I going to wait 10 years before I get on with life? Or am I going to bask in the glory of God and enjoy my life with HIM!! My first and last love! He's the lover of my soul...and I'm the apple of his eye...what more can a girl ask for?!

So, here it is...I'm not perfect, and this is still a real desire...I'm not going to pretend that I've now had this epiphony and that's that...because it's not that simple or easy...but I'm making a choice that from now on I will fight to wait patiently, quietly and joyfully before God...because my hope IS in Him and when I feel at my lowest He will give me the strength to keep going...he knows the date and the time I will meet my prince charming...and I wish I did too...but quite frankly, it's none of my business at this core business is just SERVING GOD...and he hears my prayers...he knows my heart...he bottles up my tears...he records them in his book along with all my concerns, desires, sorrows, fears, heartaches...he knows them all...and he will NEVER pass me by!! I trust Him completely!! He is my all in all!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

In His hands!

I just read "The Word for Today" and it was AWESOME!! It spoke about standing up and taking risks. Here's a section of the reading:

For something to be an authentic test of character, it must be a situation in which the outcome is entirely out of your hands. You simply make the choice to do what's right before God, then leave the consequences in His hands. It's a trial by fire (a fire of refinement), and on the other side of it you'll have a stronger character.
Each time you make the right decision, choosing to accept rather than escape the consequences, you're:
(1) free from threats of those who claim to have control over your life
(2) free to say 'NO' to those who'd abuse their authority by attempting to manipulate you
(3) free to serve your all-powerful King and say 'NO' to the other would-be kings!

WOW! How cool is that?! Just last weekend I was having a conversation with some friends about what we would do if someone held a gun to our head and asked us to renounce our faith. It was a hot discussion and there were lots of thoughts and ideas going back and forwards. Lots to think about and discuss. I came to the conclusion a long time ago that my life is in God's hands so if He wants to rescue me in that moment, I know He will! As for me, I would like to think that I would stand strong and proud on the promise of eternal life with my Saviour whether I died in that moment or I would proudly proclaim my faith in Jesus and know that if I was killed in the flesh, I'd be in paradise for eternity.

I think about the legacy that Rachel left behind when she proclaimed her faith in the Columbine shootings. She said yes and now millions of people around the world know her story and lives are being impacted and changed. Although it was horrific, the purpose God bought out of her death is a lasting one and it's so huge it's unimaginable! Just this week I spoke to a friend who told me that a previous student of hers had died in this last week in a freak accident where a horse kicked her in the chest and killed her - at 20yrs of age!! I'm 25yrs old and I don't often stop to think that I might die anytime soon - and I pray that God will leave me here a bit longer - but what if?! What if I got hit by a car, kicked by a horse, drowned in a storm, had some bizzare medical issue that doctors couldn't treat? What if I died tomorrow? Well, I am sure without a doubt that I will go to heaven - that's the promise I have as a child of God because I've given Him control of my life! I'm sure of that today! But what if tomorrow I spend a little less time on my relationship with Jesus and spend fewer conversations with people sharing how God's working in my life? And then less the next day and less the next? I don't want to get to Heaven and have Jesus say "I never knew you!"

We spend so much of our lives concerned with what others think of us and we give them control over our life and over what we say, what we believe, what we stand for! Yet, for many of us, at the same time, we claim that GOD is in control of our lives! Is He really? Is He really in control? Or are we in control? Are our peers and the rest of the world in control? What is it that drives you and I? Is it fear or hesitation because of what others will think? Is it that we're afraid that to follow Jesus it may mean some kind of sacrifice of something big or small - a relationship, a habit, etc?

You know, I can think of a million and one things that could've stopped Jesus going to that cross! I mean, He lived on earth for roughly 33 short years and in that time He saw some crap! He was mistreated, humiliated, spat at, laughed at, people called him a fake and a liar, people hated him! There were plenty of reasons to stop Him! He could have thrown up his hands and said "Look at the mess you've created!! You're on your own now!" But He didn't!! He endured the abuse, the torture, the pain of the cross and of death itself so that you and I could escape that punishment and live a free life! And then he rose again and gave us the promise that one day we would live with him for eternity! None of us have endured what He endured!! NONE of us! And what does He want in return? YOU! ME! He wants us to give Him the reigns! What does He hope will happen? He hopes (and knows) that if we just let Him stay in control then He will stand WITH us as we stand FOR Him!

The way I see it, it's a privillege to stand for Jesus and be laughed at and mocked - because Jesus experienced that for my sake so I am proud to stand and experience that for His sake! If I'm abused, tortured, killed for my be it! My life is not in the hands of another person and not even in my own hands! My life is, and will forever be, in the hands of my Saviour!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Will you join me...?

I'm reading through John at the moment and the opening chapter is a great one! I've highlighted so much and written notes and underlined...and that's just the first page! hahaha! There were a few verses that caught my attention and really challenged me!! So, on that are my thoughts!

In verse 6-8 of chapter 1 it speaks about John the Baptist being a light. It says, "He (John) came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light." I'm not God! But WOW! I have a message to share because I have witnessed first hand the glory of God in my life and I am going to shine my light SO bright in our dark world so that others will see the glory and splendor of Majesty! Will you join me in shining your light?

In verses 15-18 you can hear the passion John has for Jesus and he hasn't even seen Him or walked with him yet!! But he trusts and knows that Jesus is coming! He waits patiently...and never gives up sharing! He cries out and testifies about Jesus! He says in verse 23, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, 'Make straight the way for the Lord'. He knew that from start to finish he was the voice of Jesus...he had a message and a voice and a GREAT BIG GOD and he was going to be the voice of God to everyone who would listen! We all have a voice. Will you join me and be God's voice in your schools, work places, communities, social groups etc? The world needs to hear God's let's speak up!

John was always pointing people to Jesus! In verse 29 and 36 he says, "Look, the Lamb of God!" He wants people to see and experience Jesus personally! He testifies saying, "I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God." What have you seen? What have you experienced? What do you have to share with people? Will you join me in pointing people to Jesus and crying out with the passion John had when he said, "LOOK!! It's JESUS! The one who will save you and set you free!" That's what people want and need! They need a Saviour! If they don't know about it we need to point them in the right direction...towards Jesus!

I'm on this journey and it involves stepping out...constantly!! It's a scary place to be...but friends and family and church family make it so much more bearable. So, join with me...shine your light...speak up...and point people to Jesus! Let's do it together and let's see transformation happen around us as we do!

From the beginning...

I used to have a blog and I LOVED writing on it!! I have to admit, in my last blogspot I used to write ALOT!! I enjoy writing and trying to articulate all the things that I've learnt and all the things that God has been teaching me! But I'm turning a new leaf! I'm starting a NEW blog and this time my blogs will be 'bite sized' thoughts. I hope you'll enjoy reading them as much as I'll enjoy writing them!!!

Bless you LOADS!